About Nordic Energy

Nordic Energy is the Swedish brand. The first product was Nordic Energy Bear White with caffeine content 32 mg/100ml.

Today we offer 2 different drinks under Nordic Energy brand: Nordic Energy Bear White with caffeine content 32 mg/100ml and Nordic Energy Bear Brown with very high caffeine content 48 mg/100ml.

Cans are quality tested throughout the entire manufacturing process and 100 percent checked at the final stage. A light tester analyses each can for perforations which is followed by a multi camera system to check signs of damage or defect. Cans are produced in Austria.

Nordic Energy is a unique energy drink with the excellent taste and very high quality. Nordic Energy Drink will give you power of the bear.

Recommended to:
  • People under intense physical and mental activity
  • Age 16-60
  • Young active people
  • Active working people
Places to buy:
  • Supermarkets
  • Sports clubs and gyms
  • Shops
  • Online shops